Neighbors 4 Neighbors maintains a list of resources available to residents of South Florida who may be in need of help. If you need help, you can always chat with us using the chat in the bottom left of your screen, or via the info on our Contact Page.
To search for a specific category, select one below.

Local 211
Miami-Dade & Monroe Counties 211
For Miami-Dade and Monroe County residents, dial 2-1-1 for help before reaching out to anyone else.
Broward County 211
For Broward County residents, dial 2-1-1 for help before reaching out to anyone else.

Children's Services Council of Broward County
The CSC's mission is to provide leadership, advocacy, and resources necessary to enhance the lives of the children of Broward County and empower them to become responsible, productive adults through collaborative planning and funding of a continuum of quality care.
ConnectFamilias, Inc
ConnectFamilias mission is to Build equitable, inclusive healthy communities where children and families thrive and succeed. CF is built on the premise that children do better when their families are strong, and parents do better when they live in places that help them succeed and become productive citizens.
Family Resource Center of South Florida, Inc
The Family Resource Center of South Florida has been championing the rights of children to grow up in a healthy and safe environment. Their mission is to help prevent and treat child abuse and neglect through the strengthening of families.
Miami Dade County Foster & Adoptive Parent Association (FAPA)
FAPA is a support group for foster, adoptive, kinship, and nonrelative caregivers and all children they serve. They provide workshops, networking, field trips, conferences, teen programs, mentorships, and more.
Harmony Development Center
Harmony Development Center provides behavioral, mental health, tutoring, pregnancy prevent, delinquency prevention and intervention, and substance abuse services to the youth servicing the needs of the Juvenile Justice and School systems in Broward County, Florida.
Branches Inc.
Branches provides life-changing opportunities to help working families and their children break the cycle of generational poverty through After School Enrichment Programs, financial coaching for individuals and businesses, youth development programs, tax preparations and emergency relief.
Heart Gallery of Broward County
The Heart Gallery's mission is to provide innovative programs that help to promote the adoption and enrichment of Broward's foster children.
Be Strong International
Be Strong International's mission is to provide holistic educational services and resources to youth and parents in broken families in order to develop and maintain healthy relationships
ChildNet's mission is to protect abused, abandoned, and neglected children in Broward and Palm Beach County.
Camelot Community Care
For over 30 years, Camelot Community Care has been serving children and families experiencing abuse, neglect, behavioral health and substance abuse issues. As a Non-Profit charitable organization, we accomplish our mission of enabling children and families to realize their fullest potential by stopping the cycle of abuse and neglect in families and in our community. No child should have to recover from their childhood and you can join us in keeping children safe and creating a bright future for our most important resource.
Children's Harbor
Children’s Harbor is a nationally accredited nonprofit agency with a mission to provide a safe harbor and support to at risk children, youth, and families-keeping brothers and sisters together, strengthening families, and guiding youth towards independence.
Crockett Foundation
The Crockett Foundation focuses on key initiatives for middle-school students. Programs are designed around attendance, behavior, and course-performance with an emphasis on technology. Some of the programs set themselves apart by providing students with iPads, purchased by the Crockett Foundation, to enhance learning. Upon successful completion of key programs, students are awarded their own tablets. The Foundation’s goal is to keep them learning year-round while being technologically savvy.
HANDY serves: - Children and youth ages nine to 25 years old, who have been removed from their homes due to domestic violence, substance abuse, physical and/or sexual abuse, and abandonment. These children have been placed in Foster Care, or Relative/Nonrelative Care to avoid them from entering the Dependency System. - Older youth who are aging out of the Foster/Relative Care System. - Youth who may be homeless or on the verge of homelessness. - Youth who have been involved in the Juvenile Justice system. - Youth who identify as LGBTQ. - Crossover youth (youth that has been in the dependency and the Juvenile Justice systems). - Youth who are currently unemployed and/or been out of school for over a semester or have dropped out.
Jack & Jill Children's Center
A school for children of high-need working families, fighting to break the cycle of poverty in South Florida. We strive to achieve our mission by focusing on both the child and the family unit as a whole, offering family strengthening programs so that the entire household, children and parents alike, have the tools they need to succeed in life.
CWS South Florida
CWS South Florida welcomes, feeds, and clothes newcomers; reunites and strengthens families, and enables resettled immigrants to become self-sufficient and integrated members of US society. This new program is for refugee kids, between 14 and 21 years old. With a maximum of two years in the country. They provide mental health services, education, welfare needs, clothing, social support.

Crime Prevention
Crime Stoppers of Miami-Dade and The Florida Keys
Crime Stoppers of Miami-Dade and The Florida Keys is a community-based organization that gives residents the opportunity to become involved in the fight against crime in Miami-Dade County and The Florida Keys.
Crime Stoppers of Broward County
Broward County Crime Stoppers is a non-profit organization dedicated to solving and preventing crime in Broward County Florida.

Domestic Violence
Florida Coalition on Domestic Violence
Florida Coalition on Domestic Violence ensures the safety of victims of domestic violence by developing partnerships with community organizations to create a seamless system of services.
Miami-Dade Advocates for Victims - Safespace Foundation, Inc.
The Safespace Foundation is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization committed to the advocacy and empowerment of domestic violence victims, their children and survivors of domestic violence through our collaboration and support of the Miami-Dade County Advocates for Victims Program (AVP), and other entities that provide emergency shelter, transitional housing and financial assistance to these individuals. We also pledge to educate our community on the destructive impact domestic violence has on our children, families, congregations and work environment in order to ensure social justice and support for the victims while planting the seeds of positive change for the future.
Monroe County Domestic Abuse Shelter
The Domestic Abuse Shelter is a non-profit organization, providing comprehensive services for individuals and families experiencing domestic abuse.
Women In Distress of Broward County
Women In Distress provides a 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter program, individual counseling, support groups and professional trainings, which are aimed at educating the community on domestic violence. Our confidential services are offered, free of charge, to victims of domestic violence no matter their race, sex, age, religion, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran or military status, immigration status or language spoken.
1-800-799-7233 provides information that is relevant to people of all genders, not just women. Our Email Hotline will provide legal information to anyone who reaches out with legal questions or concerns regarding domestic violence, sexual violence, or any other topic covered on

The Pantry of Broward
The Pantry of Broward serves seniors in need living on low, fixed incomes and grandparents raising their grandchildren throughout Broward County.
S.T.E.P.S. In The Right Direction, Inc
S.T.E.P.S. In The Right Direction, Inc is a home care provider that services Hialeah, FL 33012. Home care services allow seniors to remain safely in their own home while receiving medical care or assistance with personal care and other daily tasks. Services vary, but some providers offer companionship services or skilled home health care services for individuals who require ongoing health monitoring, assistance with administering medications or wound care.
Alliance for Aging, Inc.
Alliance for Aging can connect you to services for meals, recreation, adult daycare, personal care, legal help, transportation and more.
Area Agency on Aging of Broward County
The Area Agency on Aging of Broward County plans, develops, coordinates and evaluates programs, funds services, and is the prime advocate for Broward County residents 60 years of age or older.
Florida Department of Elder Affairs
The Department provides most direct services through its Division of Statewide Community-Based Services, which works through the state’s eleven Area Agencies on Aging and local service providers to deliver essential services to a vital segment of the population. The Department also directly administers a wide range of programs, ranging from the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, Office of Public and Professional Guardians, and the Livable Florida Initiative to SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) and CARES (Comprehensive Assessment and Review for Long-Term Care Services).
Senior Citizen Law Project of Broward County
The Senior Citizen Law Project of Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida provides free legal assistance to Broward County senior, 60 years of age or older.
Miami-Dade Elderly Care Planning
Services include helping people who require crisis intervention and need in-home care and regular monitoring. Emphasis is given to assisting functionally-impaired people, enabling them to avoid institutionalization.
Medical Supplies Available At Affordable Medical Supply
Affordable Medical Supplies provides incontinence supplies, gauze, wipes, tape and gloves. They work with the client to get them supplies at a discounted price or free if possible. They will also work with Medicare to provide the client with the supplies they need.

NANA - Gould's Resource Center
NANA - Gould's Resource Center is a re-entry program that helps with employment, education, social services, and development of small businesses.
CareerSource South Florida
Career seekers and employers can access our full suite of hiring and training services at any full-service center. Center Days and Hours of Operation are the following: Mondays – Fridays: 8 AM to 5 PM
U.S. Department of Labor Disability Resources
People with disabilities need good jobs too, and several U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) agencies assist people with disabilities in seeking meaningful work and succeeding once on the job. DOL also advises employers on effective strategies for recruiting and retaining qualified people with disabilities, as well as educates federal agencies and federal contractors and sub-contractors about their obligations related to affirmative action and nondiscrimination in hiring.

Food Assistance
Grab and Go Meals (Miami-Dade Libraries)
Seven breakfasts and lunches provided weekly by Sisters For Abundant Living from January 8 - June 5, 2021. Children 18 years and under can get free grab and go meals at participating library locations on select days and times through June 5. Depending on the location, meal boxes will be distributed at different times, either Thursdays, Fridays or Saturdays, at participating branches. Meals will be available on a first come, first served basis until they run out.NANA - Gould's Resource Center is a re-entry program that helps with employment, education, social services, and development of small businesses.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SNAP provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of needy families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency.
Feeding South Florida
Feeding South Florida is the largest, most efficient food bank serving Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe Counties.
Farm Share
Farm Share is a nonprofit organization based on the idea to distribute fresh food -Free of Charge- to families throughout Florida
The SUNCAP Program is a special Food Assistance Program for individuals who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

General Assistance
Miami-Dade 311
The 311 Contact Center provides a fast, simple and convenient way for you to get information on local government services. You can call Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. The 311 Contact Center is closed on Sundays and holidays.
Broward 311
The 311 Contact Center provides a fast, simple and convenient way for you to get information on local government services.
Urban League of Broward County
The Urban League of Broward County is a community-based organization dedicated to empowering communities and changing lives in the areas of education, entrepreneurship, jobs, justice, housing, and health (E, E, J, J, H, H).
Eviction Protection for Residents of Florida
Stay in your home through June 30, 2021, even if you are behind on rent.

Florida Kid Care
Quality, affordable health and dental insurance for kids. From birth through the end of age 18, Florida children are eligible for head-to-toe coverage, even if one or both parents are working.
Jessica June Children's Cancer Foundation
Jessica June Children's Cancer Foundation's mission is to help children fight cancer by providing emergency financial assistance to ensure access to basic human necessities. Advocacy, emotional support and respite options encompass our supportive care services for families served.
Gilda's Club South Florida
Gilda’s Club South Florida, an affiliate of the Cancer Support Community, is dedicated to providing support, education and hope to all people impacted by cancer, family members and friends of those diagnosed, children, and people who have lost someone to cancer.
The Arc of South Florida
The Arc of South Florida will be the premier provider of services to children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We will be an advocate for diversity of opportunities, enhancing individual life choices as a member of the community.
MACtown, Inc.
The mission of MACtown, Inc. is “Furthering the Independence of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities”.
Easterseals South Florida
Easterseals South Florida provides exceptional services, education, outreach, and advocacy so that people living with autism and other disabilities can live, learn, work and play in our communities. Easterseals has been helping individuals with disabilities and special needs, and their families, live better lives for over 100 years. From child development centers to physical rehabilitation and job training for people with disabilities, Easterseals offers a variety of services to help people with disabilities address life's challenges and achieve personal goals.
Project ACT – Access to Care through Testing
Provides mobile units that reach people with preventive screenings for HIV, STD’s, heart health and more as well as counseling, referrals and linkages to a neighborhood health center
Florida Division of Blind Services
he Florida Division of Blind Services helps blind and visually impaired individuals achieve their goals and live their lives with as much independence and self-direction as possible. To apply for services you must first download and complete the Application for Services Form and submit it to your nearest Division of Blind Services office.

Home Healthcare Assistance
Catholic Hospice Services
Catholic Hospice provides control, comfort and choices to those with serious, life-limiting illnesses. At their welcoming Inpatient Care Centers, a family of specialized providers is trained to provide comfort care based on an understanding of your specific condition. Catholic Hospice also cares for the whole person with special programs like Pet Peace of Mind and spiritual support for those of all faith traditions. And that care extends to your family – with bereavement and counseling services.
United Homecare
United HomeCare is a non-profit home health and community care organization serving South Florida. We are dedicated to providing proven quality services in the comfort of our clients' own homes and communities.

Homeless Services
Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust
The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust serves as the lead agency for Miami-Dade County’s homeless Continuum of Care (CoC), responsible for the oversight, planning and operations of the entire CoC.
Broward Partnership for the Homeless
The Partnership operates the Central Homeless Assistance Center in Fort Lauderdale and the North Homeless Assistance Center in Pompano Beach providing street outreach, a day respite program, 498 beds of emergency shelter, over 100 units of scattered-site permanent housing interventions in Broward County, rapid rehousing, and a complete array of health and social services for men, women and families with children experiencing homelessness.
HOPE South Florida
HOPE South Florida works collectively with over 45 local churches to provide a holistic response to homelessness. Services include crisis housing, shared meals, mobile showers, transportation and clothing, employment assistance, family support teams and a rapid re-housing program.
Second Chance Society
Would you like to receive assistance in the areas of employment or vocational training? If so, see your Case Manager and complete the online “Hand Up Program Application.”

Home Repair
Rebuilding Together Miami-Dade
Rebuilding Together Miami-Dade (RTMD) provides home repair and modification services for Miami-Dade county’s most vulnerable homeowners. As the only local organization addressing this particular need, county-wide, they have built the expertise and infrastructure to tackle critical home repairs; securing safe and healthy housing for those most in need.
Rebuilding Together Broward
Rebuilding Together works to make a sustainable impact in our community by addressing quality of life issues by providing critical home repairs and improvements at no cost to the homeowner. Rebuilding Together’s activities have a direct impact on: (1) retention of low-income home ownership and improvement of affordable housing stock, (2) health, safety and independence of vulnerable populations, and (3) community and neighborhood revitalization.
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami
Families and individuals in need of decent, affordable housing apply for homeownership with their local Habitat for Humanity.
Habitat For Humanity of Broward
Habitat Broward offers a “hand up” not a “hand out” to low to very low-income families who are unable to qualify for conventional financing but are willing to work hard to improve their family’s lives.
Habitat for Humanity of the Middle Keys
Habitat for Humanity of the Middle Keys’ Critical Home Repair program is an outreach initiative to assist Irma damaged homes for low and moderate-income families.
Ygrene offers an alternative way to finance energy-efficient and renewable energy upgrades for residential and commercial properties in Florida. Depending on where your property is located, it may also be eligible for upgrades that help conserve water and protect against storm damage. As a leading Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) provider, Ygrene allows you to leverage the equity in your property to make it even better. Ygrene offers unique advantages including low, fixed rates, no upfront costs, and no repayment penalties. Because Ygrene financing is an assessment on your property and not a loan or discount program, it is repaid annually with your property taxes. Approvals are based primarily on home equity.

Legal Services
Dade Legal Aid
Dade Legal Aid ("DLA") provides free civil legal services for low-income children, foster youth, individuals and families in need in Miami-Dade County.
Legal Aid Service of Broward County
Legal Aid Service of Broward County provides free access to justice to the underserved and vulnerable in Broward County.
ACLU Florida - Broward County Chapter
The Broward Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Florida is a broad-based community of people from many trades and walks of life including homemakers, businesspersons, lawyers, students, educators, health care workers, and all who love liberty and the guarantee of liberty in the U.S. Constitution.
ACLU Florida - Greater Miami Chapter
The Greater Miami Chapter is dedicated to equality and justice; our mission — as a 5500+ member collective of like-minded and committed activists — is to ensure that Miami-Dade County stands tall in the eyes of the nation as a community that respects and upholds the Constitution.

Mental Health
NAMI Miami-Dade County
NAMI Miami-Dade County offers free, confidential, and safe support groups and courses for those with mental health disorders, their family, friends, and caregivers. Support groups and recovery courses are available throughout Miami-Dade County in both English and Spanish, and run on a reliable recurring basis.
NAMI Broward County
NAMI Broward County provides free support groups, education classes and seminars, legislative advocacy, and information for people in our community living with mental illness as well as their loved ones. Programs include Family-to-Family, Peer-to-Peer, Basics, Provider Education, and Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) for law enforcement personnel.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
Mental Health America
MHA’s work is driven by its commitment to promote mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including prevention services for all; early identification and intervention for those at risk; integrated care, services, and supports for those who need them; with recovery as the goal.
Citrus Health Network, Inc.
Citrus Health Network is one of the largest mental and behavioral health providers in South Florida; serving adults and children across the spectrum of behavioral health needs. Whether a client is experiencing a mental health crisis or is in need of residential or outpatient care, Citrus can help. Clients and their families in need of additional support or therapeutic services in their homes and in the community will find a helping hand at Citrus. And for foster children with behavioral issues in need of loving parents, or mentally ill adults in need of stable housing—Citrus can find them a place to call home.
Provides behavioral healthcare to persons suffering from severe and persistent mental illness or mental illness/substance abuse issues. Treatment services include case management, nursing/medical care, psycho-social rehabilitation, outpatient treatment, psychiatric evaluations, medication monitoring, supported employment services, residential supported housing and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). Also provides prevention through education to youth and adults in the community on various topics including substance abuse prevention and violence prevention.
Mental Exchange, Inc.
The Seeds of Wisdom Mentorship Program was established in 2021 by Mental Exchange, Inc. and the mission is to uplift, inform and restore underserved communities by providing a supportive network of community-based mentors and services to promote higher education, improve self-esteem and social skills, with the goal of increasing enrollment in post-secondary educational programs, vocational skills and training, community engagement, and improving social and emotional learning.

EveryoneOn is a nonprofit dedicated to creating social and economic opportunity by connecting low-income families to affordable internet service and computers, and delivering digital skills trainings.

Substance Abuse
Alcoholics Anonymous Broward
Broward County has a strong recovery community, and you are welcome here! We have meetings in multiple languages, and many meetings for men or women, young people and the LGBTQ community. There are currently 294 groups scattered across 119 locations in Broward County.
Alcoholics Anonymous Miami-Dade County
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
Narcotics Anonymous South Dade
The South Dade Area of Narcotics Anonymous serves the Miami areas of Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, Cutler Bay, Cutler Ridge, Doral, Downtown Miami, Homestead, Kendall, Palmetto Bay, Perrine, Pinecrest, South Miami, Sweetwater, Westchester, and its surrounding areas. There are currently meetings across groups in the South Dade Area.
Narcotics Anonymous South Broward
You can find Meetings in Hollywood, Pembroke Pines, Miramar, Davie, Hallandale and Plantation.
Gold Coast Narcotics Anonymous
The Gold Coast Area is home to Narcotics Anonymous groups holding regularly scheduled meetings throughout Broward County, Florida including the cities of Coconut Creek, Coral Springs, Fort Lauderdale, Lauderhill, Lighthouse Point, North Lauderdale, Oakland Park, Plantation, Pompano Beach, Sunrise, Tamarac, and Wilton Manors.
Al-Anon Family Groups, Florida South Area 10
Al-Anon (which includes Alateen for younger members) has been offering hope and help to families and friends of alcoholics.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Helpline provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters. This is a free resource that offers multilingual and confidential crisis support services to ALL residents living in the United States and its territories. Stress, anxiety, and other depression like symptoms are common reactions after and/or during disasters.

Broward County's MISSION UNITED
Mission United in Broward – a single point of entry for veterans to access the help they need, at no cost. Mission United helps ease the transition to civilian life and addresses the unique needs of veterans. By connecting them to a coordinated network of community partners, we empower veterans and their families to lead productive lives in our community. Services include job training and opportunities, affordable housing, legal resources and more.
Miami-Dade County's MISSION UNITED
(305) 646-7130
Mission United in Miami – a single point of entry for veterans to access the help they need, at no cost. Mission United helps ease the transition to civilian life and addresses the unique needs of veterans. By connecting them to a coordinated network of community partners, we empower veterans and their families to lead productive lives in our community. Services include job training and opportunities, affordable housing, legal resources and more.
Florida Department of Veteran Affairs
For 24-hour counsel, call the National Veteran Crisis Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. You are NOT alone! Veterans in Florida, call the Florida Veterans Support Line at 1-844-MyFLVet (693-5838) or 2-1-1.
Veterans Guide
Veterans Guide provides you with the necessary information you need to obtain the maximum benefits when you leave military service. They provide comprehensive educational materials and direct access to a panel of expert counselors and legal professionals in collaboration with the National Advocates for Veterans Disability Assistance, LLC (NAVDA).